We left Delphi for Meteora today. It is a place with interesting geological formations. Many of these steep cliffs have a monastery on top of it. Each of the monasteries has different opening and closing hours just to make things that much more complicated. That being said, I was far more interested in the views from the monasteries than actually entering them.

As we soon discovered, monks are terrible people. They charge people to enter their monasteries, which frankly are kind of boring on the inside and smell like an old gymnasium. Secondly (and try to follow me on this one), women are required to wear some sort of skirt. My mom, and many other females attempting to visit these sites, were wearing pants. This was not acceptable by the monkey standards. They all had to wrap these heinous looking skirts over their pants. The logic of this was completely lost on me. Thirdly, for reasons I cannot work out, monks have it in for photography. There were many signs prohibiting cameras, but I was glad to see that everyone was ignoring these signs. You see, monks? If you deny people like me the right to practice my art, you get bad press! My influential blog with its 2 readers has exposed you for what you are!

In any event, we visited about 5 monasteries today. We decided to pay for just two, and mostly just to get a better view. After you've seen one smelly monastery with goat pee running down the steps, you've seen them all. I also am allergic to them, and I'm not just saying that. I don't know if it was the mustiness, the ferrel cats, or the goats, but my nose did not appreciate.

This stack of skulls at one of the monasteries reminds me of my final notes for the day. I damn near starved to death. Breakfast again was a bit lacking. The yogurt was especially thick this morning . . . even by Greek standards, and not terribly appetizing. Lunch was completely skipped. Skipped, I tell you! All I had to keep me going was a Luna bar and an old airline croissant. I had gotten real desperate. It was like reaching toward the end of your Halloween candy and realizing all you have left is a roll of dental floss and those candies that taste like Tums. It was almost as bad as Nicole's infamous Colorado road trip of '08, when she was rumored to have eaten an old orange that she found on the floor of a rental car.

Anyway, this is our last night on the road. Tomorrow we may head back up into Meteora, but ultimately we must get back to Athens. I'm actually kind of excited to get back to Athens. In some ways, it seems like it will be more relaxing.
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