Today we walked along the rim of the caldera. Santorini is a volcanic island and the cliffs are due to a massive explosion back in ancient times. We walked from Thira to Oia, which is between 7 and 8 miles. Along the way, we picked up some company in the form of flea bitten, mangy, smelly, and very stupid dogs. Obviously, I was elated to have their company. They followed us and harassed us for about 5 miles.

This was becoming very annoying. If I stopped to take a picture, they'd sniff each other for a bit to kill time and waited for me to finish my shot. Finally, we ran across a European couple hiking the other direction, and after this point, the dogs became more interested in them and left us alone. I was beginning to worry that I would be eating lunch with 5 dogs when I got to Oia.
The weather was mostly overcast and windy today, so picture taking wasn't ideal, but I found a good place to take pictures later if the weather improves. We decided to take the public bus back to Thira. Europeans need to work on widening their roads. If traffic is intended to flow both ways, cars shouldn't have to pull off the road to let another vehicle go by.

On that note, the Nissan Micra is an ok car. It's small, which is advantageous, but it sounds like it is about to die every time I change gears. I had a close call when I had to back up a hill just in front of a BMW, but I deserve some sort of medal. Weaving around traffic here is like doing brain surgery. Let's all hope the clouds burn off. I left California to get away from the May grey.
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