It was a relaxing morning here on Mykonos. Even at 7am, the sun was beating down and it felt quite warm. The weather channel says it's just 66 degrees, but it feels much warmer. We decided to walk about 2km south along the coast to a place called Ornos Beach. It had about 500 lounger chairs ready for the onslaught of beach goers. This onslaught consisted of me and two other adventurers wearing big hats.

They looked familiar, but I wasn't sure if I knew them. I kept my distance, but they kept following me. Sitting it on our balcony, I can see another cruise ship arriving, so it looks like a good time to get out of here.

We had to pay a few euro for Internet on the boat last time, but I won't be doing that this round. The speed was apocalyptically slow. I just hope we don't have to pay on Santorini. It looks to take about 3 hours to get there by boat, so not much else happening today. Next post will be from a new island!

Location:Πιττόν Ντε Τουρνεφόρ,Μύκονος,Greece
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