Unsurprisingly, our plane did not depart at midnight either. All of us were sitting at the gate with no plane for more than an hour. When the moment finally came, everyone stood up or flocked to the windows to see if there was really a plane coming to park. It was an Antonov 158. While in line to board, the man behind us was wondering why we were going to Cuba. Greg commented that we needed to get there before there are Wal*Marts and StarBucks. “And efficiently run airlines,” added the other gentleman. Midway through the flight, the spring and pin popped off of Greg’s tray table.
I was not surprised. Sometime after 4am, we arrived at our home in Havana, an apartment we found on AirBnB. There was no response when we rang the bell despite calling ahead to explain the situation. Luckily there was a Norwegian woman on the balcony of the neighboring room that let us in.

A few hours later we lethargically began our day by walking around Havana a bit. Within a matter of a few hours we had pretty adequately seen most of old Havana. We had walked along the Malecón by the water and saw a few old spanish forts. We walked inside of one, where a worker decided to tell Greg what to take photos of. He played along and soon found himself the subject of his own photos as the woman began snapping away with his camera. Then naturally she demanded a CUC for her hard work. All of this combined with our overall lack of sleep led us back to our place where we took naps.

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