A lot of things had to go right today in order for us to get to Cuba smoothly. You probably know where this is going. While Greg and I were able to get to Cancun without incident, we then faced the daunting task of finding each other in the airport without the use of our cellphones. We arrived on different airplanes you see. By a stroke of luck, we found each other in a separate terminal that required a 30 minute bus ride (but in hindsight could have been walked in about 60 seconds). Once I spotted greg’s frail frame glistening brightly in the distance, I breathed a sigh of relief. Then he told me our Cubana flight was delayed until midnight. It was now a little after 1pm. That being said, we luckily did not have to sit around in the Cancun airport. Eventually we were picked up by vans and driven into Cancun to the Calypso Hotel. It wasn’t a super fancy resort on the beach, but it was far more than we were expecting. We both napped briefly and then went outside by the pool to drink cervezas. After drinking said cervezas and utilizing the free wifi by the pool, we decided to walk around and explore a little bit.

Our dinner was also compensated by Cubana. Obviously, none of this time in Cancun is ideal, but it beats the alternative of being stuck in the airport with just one overpriced restaurant and no wifi. We weren't even expecting a hotel, so it could be worse. Of course, this is all assuming that we do still get out at midnight. Everything could still go horribly wrong and we don't get to Cuba at all. I was able to make a phone call to the place where we are (hoping) to spend the night in Havana so they're at least updated on the situation and seemed to act like this type of thing is common.
Let us hope we get out tonight. While there are certainly worse places, I would really prefer to get out of Cancun.
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