We began our day shortly after 830 with a walk around Notre-Dame. Throughout the years, I have seen the cathedral in various states of restoration including one time where the entire front was covered in scaffolding. I was surprised to find the scaffolding finally gone this time, but leave it to the French to ruin it by putting a bunch of awful looking bleachers and tour group staging areas right in front of it.

We decided to walk around inside for a bit, playing around with our fancy cameras and doing our best in the tricky lighting to get something that looks decent. After wandering along the riverbanks, we took the metro to the Champs-Élysées and walked to the arch.

We had to sit for a bit when we got there as the previous day's events and all the walking we had been doing was tiring us out. I was also hungry. However, contrary to when I travel with my parents (who do their best to starve me), I was able to secure a baguette from Pomme de Pain (French equivalent to Quizno's) and we ate outside on the Champs-Élysées just like the folks in the other bistros and cafés, but paid a fraction of the price.

We then continued on to the Eiffel Tower, where we showed up just in time to see the water fountains from the Trocadero firing in the air. We didn't go up the tower itself. The lines to do so were out of control. We thought it might be fun to go up at dusk or nighttime, figuring the tour groups will be long gone by then. We then returned to the hotel, where I promptly informed you, dear readers, of our goings on. Nicole promptly passed out face down on the bed.

Location:Rue du Conservatoire,Paris,France
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