Our Thalys train ticket fare included our trip to Bruges, but didn't specify a time to go there, so we could take any train to get there as long as it was some time today. Therefore, we decided to do lunch in Brussels. The weather was pretty ridiculous. It's entirely possible that I could return to LA and people will ask if I was on vacation in Mexico. I think I got a tan in . . . Belgium.

We had a lunch of waffles. I personally had two. I washed it down with a beer called Kwak. It is served in a special glass with a round bottom, so it needs its own holder or it would fall over. I'm sure this is all just marketing nonsense like the laser etchings in Sam Adams glasses, but it made me feel classy.

For being a Thursday in the middle of the day, it was chaos. Nobody works. In fact, there was some sort of massive union protest going on, but all I can gather is that they wanted the day off to hang out in central Brussels and enjoy a beer. Our time in Brussels was fairly short. I feel like we made a wise decision to stay in Bruges instead.

We were able to see all of the main Brussels sights like a statue of a child urinating in public. Nicole and I didn't really understand what all the fuss about the Mannekin Pis is about. After a few hours, we felt we'd seen it all and hopped on another train (filled with union protesters) for an hour trip to Bruges. So far, we've just been relaxing and it seems to be much calmer than what we've been used to thus far this trip. More to follow this evening.

Location:Oude Gentweg,Bruges,Belgium
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