Friday, December 23, 2016

Der längste Tag

It is hard to believe that as I'm writing this, I woke up on the same day . . .26 hours ago. Nicole and I had our first uninhibited breakfast of the trip. Eggs, sausage, dairy, juices? Sure. Yes to all. We then walked briskly to the Wien Mitte station and caught the train to the airport. It is remarkable how much more efficient the Vienna airport customs and security procedures are when compared to India. Just as before, however, our Austrian Airlines flight was delayed by more than an hour. I'm not really sure what the issue is. We did ultimately have to deice due to some snow flurries, but this was after we sat at the gate for an excess of 30 minutes. I can only presume that with no competition, there's no incentive or push to be on time. Eventually we took off toward Chicago on a 10 hour flight. Arriving late, we didn't have much time to process through customs and go through security again. My United listing was no longer any good because it had departed by the time I left passport control. This was not aided by the fact that my cellphone no longer worked.

When replacing my Sri Lankan sim card with my Verizon one, it failed to recognize. And despite my best efforts to troubleshoot, it seems to be kaput. Thus, I had to wait to reach the airport wifi to create a new listing, with just twenty minutes to spare. My flight showed oversold by five, but the gate agent had me stand right by the jetbridge to walk on as soon as they cleared me. I was lucky. I was almost certain I would end up in the jumpseat. I nodded off a few times enroute to LAX, but eventually arrived...late. Then I couldn't connect to LAX wifi, so I had to take a taxi instead of Über. The horror! How archaic! But against all odds, I had made it all the way around the world without a single flight cancellation or snafu. Now we shall see how well I can adjust back to Pacific time. Zzzzzzzzz.

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