As predicted, this Air Canada flight has no in flight entertainment. While they do have the screens in front, there is obviously no choice of film. In fact, they ran out of movies just 5 hours in to the flight. They almost repeated Man on a Ledge, but after I saw it once, I was able to verify that it is indeed about a man on a ledge. Of interest, however, was our flight path out of the Athens airport. We made a long, lazy curve during climb-out that took us over the city. In the center of this photo is the Acropolis, though a bit fuzzy.

Let's consider this my last blog post of the trip. Once I have a little bit of time to recover, I'll post my final reflections as I did with Vietnam. It is a country that has been in the news a lot lately, so I think that could be interesting if I can form coherent thoughts.

When I went to Vietnam, it was not the country I pictured from war films, and I found it difficult to believe we even fought a war there. Greece was also not what I was expecting, but in a much different way. Just my experiences as a tourist made it pretty obvious as to how the country became broke to begin with. So to the CNN/Fox News/MSNBC pundits who say that the U.S. is going to become Greece, I say this, "Perhaps you should visit a place before vomiting out nonsense as if you were on your way to Crete in rough seas." After all, the "Greek" yogurt you buy at Safeway doesn't even taste like Greek yogurt.
Location:Seat 15A, Air Canada Flight 827
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